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Davenport/Bettendorf - Door Knocking

Signs of Hope: Door-knocking and Gubernatorial Debate

debate-watching party

By Sister Kathy Thornton, RSM

September 20, 2014

We traveled on to Bettendorf, Iowa where we partnered with Iowa CCI (Citizens for Community Improvement) to canvass neighborhoods to engage folks to vote. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon in September and many people were out of their homes. However, when the whole group came back together, we had forty-four voting pledge cards and had distributed issue information to many houses!

The last event of the day was a debate watching party. The debate was between gubernatorial candidates. About 75 to 80 people played "NETWORK Bingo" as we watched. It was a game to connect value comments of Pope Francis and other faith leaders with the debate candidates. Sometimes hard to do!

We then took our last ride on the bus to the motherhouse of the Sisters of Humility in Davenport. Sunday, our main event will be with Sister Simone as she receives the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom award from the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council. Bishop Martin Amos will present it.