Pat Sodo


Pat is our Development Fellow, and works on document retention and archiving procedures. She also assists our Executive Assistant in creating and updating travel documents. Before NETWORK, Pat was a middle school teacher, coordinated parenting education for the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, and directed the domestic violence program for Prince William County, Virginia. She has a Bachelor of Science in History, Education, and Theology and an MA in Organizational Development.

Where she finds inspiration for work:

  • Admiration of the work of the organization
  • The culture of NETWORK
  • The staff is delightful and stimulating

What she loves outside of NETWORK:

  • Her family – especially her two grandchildren
  • Reading, quilting, travelling
  • NOVA, an intentional Eucharistic community

Originally from: Coldwater, MI

Why she likes D.C.: The cherry blossoms, the Jefferson Memorial, Arena Stage and Signature Theatre, the National Cathedral, and all of the museums and the zoo.  She likes that so many in D.C. are transplants or tourists, and – in general – folks are friendly and helpful.