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Atlanta, GA - Lobby Visit

Our Visit to the Office of Senator Chambliss

Written by: Sister Mary Ellen Lacy, DC

June 6, 2013

Yesterday, we visited Senator Saxby Chambliss’s office. We met with Erin Mayo, his outreach person, because something had “come up” with his Legislative Director. Ms. Mayo listened to Sr. Simone’s and my economic and human rights arguments. She requested our studies related to Georgia’s projected losses if all aspiring Americans “self-deported” as a result of their harsh laws. We promptly sent them to her.

Sr. Marti and the state representative Pedro Marin spoke eloquently of the economically positive agricultural impact of immigrants in Georgia. The labor spokesperson, Charlie, chimed in regarding the farmworkers’ and farmers’ need for a stability in planting , growing and harvesting their crops. A local Hispanic organizer shared the difficulties under which families and children live in fear of deportation.

In the end, Ms. Mayo said that Senator Chambliss was still pondering things and had not made up his mind. May he ponder as successfully as our Blessed Mother! More information and urging from his employers, the voters of Georgia, should help!!!

After the visit, we went out to our press conference. It had been moved down the block because the Senators’ offices were on private property and no one could gather near their building. We spoke to about 200 folks raising their hands and voices and bearing bold signs “Atlanta need immigration reform.”