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New Orleans, LA - Friendraiser

Wonderful Evening at Holy Angels Convent

Written by: Sister Marge Clark, BVM

June 6, 2013

A storm was brewing from the tropical storm which moved east of us; nonetheless the Nuns on The Bus were warmly received by the Sisters of the Holy Family for a quick dinner before going off to the friendraiser at Holy Angels Convent. The crowd of a couple hundred - mostly Sisters - was warn and enthusiastic. Archbishop Gregory Aymond opened with a prayer and brief reflection on our responsibility to provide justice and welcoming for those who have been unable to find justice in their homeland - reminding us of our social teachings. He ended by saying he would be following the Sisters.

Sister Clarita provided a fascinating history of immigrants in this very diverse place, where native peoples were joined in the 17th century by the French and the Spaniards. Since then, many other European, Hispanic and Asian peoples have come. Most recently, the area benefitted from the help of immigrants in the rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina.

Sister Simone spoke to the necessity for immigration reform, and the need for constituent advocacy with their members of Congress. I talked about the body of Christ being complete only if all are part. Sister Elaine reminded us how great a part of our economy is our immigrant population.

We were joined by members of the organization of day laborers, some of whom shared their stories of insecurity and of having been detained. They are now given a very short time to get sufficient support to convince authorities that they should be allowed to stay.

This was my first event of this trip, I expressed our oneness as the body of Christ, and our responsibility to honor and support and care for all members of our body. The body cannot be complete unless all members are present. Many cards for members of Congress were filled out, and more were taken to share with others at home or at work.

The evening was a wonderful, energizing event.

[We were also so pleased and honored when we learned that the city council issued a proclamation to NETWORK for its long years of work on behalf of social justice through the legislative process!]