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Houston, TX - Friendraiser

Dominican Center in Houston

Written by: Sister Elaine Betoncourt, CSJ

June 7, 2013

We have now arrived in the great state of Texas, where we hope to garner a huge tsunami of support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR). Our first Texas event was held at the Dominican Center for Spirituality, where we were warmly welcomed by our Dominican Sisters for supper, for our friendraiser, and for our overnight stay. Texans need to raise their voices for CIR, and our Texas Senators need to listen to those voices. Issues of importance in Texas are border security and economic growth. CIR will assure both.

One immigrant spoke of his journey from the age of four when he was brought to Texas by his parents to this present day when he is now working as a community organizer. Another immigrant shared his story of having been injured in a fall at his tree cutting job and how, now confined to a wheelchair, he is working with Living Hope Wheelchair Association helping others in need. And what touched our hearts deeply was hearing of the incredible work that has been done to identify the remains of those who have died as they attempted to cross the border to obtain a better life in the U.S. Here in South Texas are the “killing fields” where last year alone, 271 immigrants died, revealing the horror of what our current U.S. policy evokes.