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Las Cruces, NM - Lobby Visit

Visit to Office of Congressman Pearce in Las Cruces

Written by: Sister Marge Clark, BVM

June 11, 2013

Thirteen NETWORK Nuns on the Bus, Driving for Faith, Family and Citizenship visited with Peter Ibarro, Chief of Staff in the Las Cruces, NM office of Congressman Pearce to share ideas on comprehensive immigration reform. Mr. Ibarro was very welcoming; he listened and took extensive notes on stories, data and other ideas that were shared. Five Sisters in the group, residents of the Congressman’s district, exchanged contact information with Mr. Ibarro for later contact.

About 50 supporters waited outside during the lobby visit. Several local immigrants spoke of their situations, and priests, a rabbi and organizers told of their desire and the needs of their people. Rabbi Carroll gave a travel blessing on the bus in both Hebrew and English.