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Pleasant Hill, CA - Mass

Our Visit to Christ the King Church in Pleasant Hill, California

Written by: Sister Susan Maloney, SNJM

June 16, 2013

“The People Rejoice” was my impression of our stop of Nuns on the Bus at Christ the King Catholic Parish.

With open arms, about 200 adults, youth and children gathered at the church to greet the Nuns on the Bus. After a gracious reception by the pastor Father Brian Joyce, each sister was welcomed by an individual member of the parish. Sister Simone and the sisters circulated among the crowd to explain the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

We participated in the Eucharistic Celebration and prayed for the needs of our country, the church and particularly families who are separated because of lack of a fair and just federal legislation on immigration.

After Mass, Sister Simone addressed parishioners and explained the opportunity before us as a nation to fix the broken immigration system. She encouraged us to contact our U.S. Congressperson to support federal legislation which includes a pathway to US citizenship, and a plan to expedite applicant backlogs for permanent residence with family unity as a priority.

After long hours on the bus, it was a delight to be invited into the parish center and receive a home-cooked meal. Our conversations continued with the wonderful and generous members of Christ the King Parish.

Upon leaving, one parishioner thanked me and all the Catholic Sisters for our leadership. For him Catholic Sisters are a beacon of light for the Catholic Church and the nation.