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Scranton, NJ - Site Visit

Gathering at St. John Neumann in Scranton, PA

Written by: Sister Mary Reilly, RSM

May 29, 2013 

Today, NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus pulled up to a church called St. John Neumann Parish in Scranton. People were lined up to welcome us; it was so heartwarming! Once inside and looking out from the stage, it was great to see the different cultures in the gathering.  Mayor Dohery told the group that over 30 languages were spoken in Scranton High School alone.  Afterwards, I spoke with one of the presenters, a young man from Honduras, who sought political asylum here, which was granted. We shared stories of the terrible situation in Honduras. I told him of my involvement because of our Mercy mission there. He is going to contact the staff persons in the office of Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), with whom we (the Sisters of Mercy ) have been working. He is going to contact both offices, for I’m sure hearing from a Honduran here on political asylum should give weight to the situation. I gave him my name and said “mention my name!” Part of the joy of the journey of NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus is making such connections.