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Washington, DC - Press Event

We Arrive in Washington DC

Written by: Sister Mary Ellen Lacy, DC

May 30, 2013

Our arrival in DC was delayed by traffic and Capitol Hill security measures. We had to walk the last four blocks to our meeting place, the United Methodist Building, because we could not clear U.S. Capitol “Border Patrol” in time for our program's start time. 

Sr. Simone joined the podium with Rev. Michael Livingston, IWJ, the SEIU President Mary Kay Henry, Jos Williams, president of AFL-CIO Washington DC Metro, Lee Saunders, president of AFSCME, and Frank Sharry, Founder and Executive Director, America’s Voice Council.

Jos Williams spoke of his recent path to citizenship and pledged the support of 180,000 workers. He vowed that they will do anything to facilitate the movement. He shared his pain and wounds along his path to citizenship, his salvation.

His suffering motivated him to bare his pain, serve other pilgrims, and welcome them to a new world. You see, he bore battle scars that would never let him or those who love him, to forget.

Jesus also resurrected with His wounds. I have often wondered why His wounds remained after He resurrected. After all, He was God and He could have returned perfectly intact.

Instead, like Jos, Jesus retained His wounds that others could see and touch His unjustly inflicted battle scars. Jesus's wounds should remind us what fear and love can do. We must not let fear crucify others' dreams.