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Greenville, SC - Lobby/Press Event/Rally

Greenville, South Carolina Visit Reflection

Written by: Sr. Susie Dandison, RSM, and Sister Rose Marie Tresp, RSM

June 1, 2013

Sr. Rose Marie - The part that really struck me in Greenville was the raid on the chicken processing plant. 300 people, and although we weren't given many details they obviously weren't treated with respect. Why can't everyone be treated with dignity and justice no matter what they've done? Nobody deserves to be treated poorly. 

Sr. Susie - I think what strikes me is the number of people who are coming, out of their way, out of their day, just to be in support of Nuns on the Bus and immigration, and find out what this is all about. It's encouraging that they are interested in finding out what we mean when we say immigration needs to be fixed. There is no rhyme or reason to immigration right now. Frankly, one of the main reasons some are opposed to immigrants is because they don't look like us. When we have someone we know from Ireland who says they have cousins who are undocumented, people don't expect it. Don't tell me that the guy from Ireland is going to be treated the same as the guy from El Salvador.

Sr. Rose Marie - I've probably been back and forth to the border for 20 years, lived there for 7. Never have I been asked more than are you a citizen and where were you born. I can tell you that our Mexican-American sisters are not treated the same way. It's not all these intellectual things that move me the most. It’s the pain of children being separated from their parents, and people being separated from their families. People are living in fear - fear of being separated from their families or returning to their home country.