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Charleston, SC - Friendraiser

Charleston and the Old Slave Mart Museum

Written by: Sister Elaine Betoncourt, CSJ

June 1, 2013

This evening, as we meandered into the 3-century old Circular Congregational Church of Charleston we were rousingly greeted with the strains of “When the nuns (saints) come marching in,” revealing the energy and emotion of the 200+ assembly.

Sister Simone and a few of the Sisters spoke to the issue of Immigration Reform NOW and our experiences thus far. Ruby Randall, one of our NOTB friends lifted up her thanks and affirmation of us, saying “you are the ones proclaiming the Catholic Social Teaching of the Church and this is what we need to give to our youth to get them involved in promoting justice.”

Fr. Hanley brought the greetings of Bishop Guglielmone and told of the Bishop’s May 30, 2013 public statement in support of Immigration Reform.

Following this event many, accompanied the Nuns on the Bus to the nearby Old Slave Mart Museum where we prayed for forgiveness of our sins of the past and prayed for a new way forward with comprehensive immigration reform. We ended as we began, with song, and a soulful rendition of “Amazing Grace.”