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Raleigh - Pot Luck Breakfast

The Gift of Hope

By Sister Phyllis Tierney, SSJ

October 5, 2014

We were warned ahead of time that we would have a long day ahead of us on Sunday. We were in Raleigh and Greenville, and would arrive in Asheville later in the evening. What we experienced was high energy, southern hospitality, and the desire to make a difference. It permeated the two communities we visited.

The day began with a potluck breakfast at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. We enjoyed good community and sharing time with members. Sister Simone invited conversation around the “buzz questions” introduced by each of us. Mine was “When did you first vote and whom did you vote for?” The highlight of the morning was our community worship celebration. Reverend Nancy Petty announced that it was World Communion Sunday. Pullen Baptist is an open congregation where everyone is invited to the table.

Sister Simone was invited to share the message of NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus. Her favorite line is that there is room for all of us at the table of democracy and our vote cannot be bought by big money. The message resonates: we are all called to the table, we all deserve a share, and we all deserve a vote!

Energy continued to run high in Greenville. The congregation we visited was small, but the mood in the room was high-energy. Many of the attendees were pastors of their own congregations! We gathered at Sycamore Chapel Missionary Baptist Church with clergy, community members, activists and two candidates for public office. People expressed their concerns about actions taken by the North Carolina assembly to limit voting opportunities. Poverty and lack of employment are also key issues. As in other stops, we were thanked profusely for coming and giving rays of hope and support. If there was a key word for the day, “hope” sums it up.

As one man said, “we defeat fear when we have hope.” One of the gifts of this trip is all the seeds of hope we have seen and experienced.